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German declension of Japan?

How does the declension of Japan work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative (das) Japan
Genitive (des Japan) (des Japans) Japans
Dative (dem) Japan
Akkusative (das) Japan

What is the meaning of Japan in German?

Japan is defined as:

[1] Island state in East Asia

[1] Inselstaat in Ostasien

How to use Japan in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Japan with translations in English.

[1] Wenn es in Deutschland sechs Uhr morgens ist, zeigen die Chronometer in Japan 14 Uhr, während der europäischen Sommerzeit 13 Uhr an.

[1] If it is six in Germany in Germany, the chronometers in Japan show 2 p.m. during the European summer time 1 p.m.

[1] „Das Klima Japans ist aufgrund der Insellage, der Gebirgsrücken und der großen Nord-Süd-Erstreckung sehr uneinheitlich.“

[1] "The climate of Japan is very inconsistent due to the island position, the mountain ridges and the large north-south extension"

[1] Das Japan der 90er war durch eine sehr schlechte Wirtschaftslage geprägt.

[1] The Japan of the 90s was characterized by a very bad economic situation