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Is it der, die or das Investor?



The correct article in German of Investor is der. So it is der Investor! (nominative case)

The word Investor is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Investor?

How does the declension of Investor work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Investor die Investoren
Genitive des Investors der Investoren
Dative dem Investor den Investoren
Akkusative den Investor die Investoren

What is the meaning of Investor in German?

Investor is defined as:

[1] Economy: someone who invests, investing money (on the capital market) to make profit

[1] Wirtschaft: jemand, der investiert, der Geld (am Kapitalmarkt) anlegt, um Gewinn zu erzielen

How to use Investor in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Investor with translations in English.

[1] Mehr als ein halbes Dutzend Investoren interessiert sich für einen Einstieg beim krisengeschüttelten Autobauer Opel.

[1] More than half a dozen investors are interested in starting with the crisis -shaken car maker Opele

[1] „Und dann ist da noch die südsudanesische Arbeitsmoral, sehr abschreckend für Investoren.“

[1] "And then there is the South Sudanese work morality, very deterrent for investor people"

[1] „Bislang erzielten Investoren mit kurzfristigen Anlagen so hohe Renditen, dass sie keinen Anreiz hatten, in längerfristige Infrastrukturprojekte einzusteigen.“

[1] "So far, investors with short -term systems have achieved so high returns that they had no incentive to get into long -term infrastructure projects"

[1] „Nirgendwo sind Investoren aus dem In- und Ausland so aktiv.“

[1] "Nowhere are investors from home and abroad so active"