Is it der, die or das Interesse?

The correct article in German of Interesse is das. So it is das Interesse! (nominative case)
The word Interesse is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Interesse?
How does the declension of Interesse work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Interesse | die Interessen |
Genitive | des Interesses | der Interessen |
Dative | dem Interesse | den Interessen |
Akkusative | das Interesse | die Interessen |
What is the meaning of Interesse in German?
Interesse has various definitions in German:
[1] Feeling or attitude of wanting to know more about something
[1] Gefühl oder Einstellung, von etwas mehr wissen zu wollen[2] Activity you like and do in your free time
[2] Tätigkeit, die man mag und in seiner Freizeit ausübt[3] normative thoughts that are reasons for actions
[3] normative Gedanken, die Grund für Handlungen sindHow to use Interesse in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Interesse with translations in English.
[1] Sie hat großes Interesse an diesem Thema.
[1] She is very interested in this topic.[2] Sie weiß nicht viel über die Interessen ihres Sohnes.
[2] She doesn't know much about her son's interests.[2] „Ganz gleich für welche Luftsportart Sie sich entscheiden, in unseren Mitgliedsvereinen finden Sie viele Luftsportler mit gleichen Interessen, vom Freizeitpiloten bis zum ambitionierten Wettbewerbssportler.“[2]
[2] “Regardless of which air sport you choose, you will find many air sports enthusiasts with the same interests in our member clubs, from recreational pilots to ambitious competitive athletes” [2][3] Da sind verschiedene Interessen im Spiel.
[3] There are different interests at stake[3] Ihr Interesse an ihm hatte sich merklich abgekühlt.
[3] Her interest in him had cooled noticeably[3] Der Fußballverein behauptete, er hätte kein Interesse mehr an der Verpflichtung eines neuen Stürmers.
[3] The football club claimed it was no longer interested in signing a new striker[3] Die Interessen der Wirtschaft sind eindeutig: mehr Gewinn.
[3] The interests of business are clear: more profit.