Is it der, die or das Innenministerium?
The correct article in German of Innenministerium is das. So it is das Innenministerium! (nominative case)
The word Innenministerium is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Innenministerium?
How does the declension of Innenministerium work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Innenministerium | die Innenministerien |
Genitive | des Innenministeriums | der Innenministerien |
Dative | dem Innenministerium | den Innenministerien |
Akkusative | das Innenministerium | die Innenministerien |
What is the meaning of Innenministerium in German?
Innenministerium is defined as:
[1] Ministry that is responsible for internal affairs of a state
[1] Ministerium, das für innere Angelegenheiten eines Staates zuständig istHow to use Innenministerium in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Innenministerium with translations in English.
[1] „Das Innenministerium sah sich auch durch die sprunghaft steigenden Attacken auf deutsche Behördenrechner zum Handeln gezwungen.“
[1] "The Ministry of the Interior was also forced to act on the sudden increasing attacks on German authorities" to act "[1] „[Ferdinand Käs] leitete bis 1963 als Oberstleutnant die Gendarmerieschule und war 1963-1979 im Innenministerium tätig (ging als Sektionschef in Pension).“
[1] "[Ferdinand Käs] headed the Gendarmerieschule as a lieutenant colonel until 1963 and worked in the Ministry of the Interior in 1963-1979 (went to retire as head of the section)