Is it der, die or das Inland?

The correct article in German of Inland is das. So it is das Inland! (nominative case)
The word Inland is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Inland?
How does the declension of Inland work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Inland | — |
Genitive | des Inlands des Inlandes | — |
Dative | dem Inland dem Inlande | — |
Akkusative | das Inland | — |
What is the meaning of Inland in German?
Inland has various definitions in German:
[1] Politics: Your own country (one person or group) ole the state in which you are located to refer to
[1] Politik: das eigene Land (einer Person oder Gruppe); der Staat in dem man sich befindet, auf den man sich bezieht[2] Geography: The part of a country or the land mass that is not on the edge (on the coast)
[2] Geografie: der Teil eines Landes oder der Landmasse, der nicht am Rand (an der Küste) liegtHow to use Inland in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Inland with translations in English.
[1] Mit Besuchen im Ausland versuchte der Kanzler von der Krise im Inland abzulenken.
[1] With visits abroad, the Chancellor tried to distract from the crisis in Germany[1] Nach einer zweijährigen Übergangsfrist werden europaeinheitliche Überweisungsformulare eingeführt, die dann auch im Inland gelten sollen.
[1] After a two -year transition period, European transfer forms are introduced, which should also apply in Germany[2] Nun, das ist wohl ganz anders im Inland, / wo man selten das Salzwasser spürt
[2] Well, that's probably very different in Germany / where you rarely feel the salt water