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Is it der, die or das Hype?



The correct article in German of Hype is der. So it is der Hype! (nominative case)

The word Hype is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Hype?

How does the declension of Hype work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Hype die Hypes
Genitive des Hypes der Hypes
Dative dem Hype den Hypes
Akkusative den Hype die Hypes

What is the meaning of Hype in German?

Hype is defined as:

[1] Large faith, exaggerated propaganda, huge hype about a fact, thing or person

[1] großes Getue, übertriebene Propaganda, Riesenrummel um eine Tatsache, Sache oder Person

How to use Hype in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Hype with translations in English.

[1] Es ist momentan der volle Hype, Socken ohne Löcher zu tragen.

[1] It is currently the full hype to wear socks without holes

[1] Man muss ja nicht jeden Hype mitmachen.

[1] You don't have to take part in every hype

[1] Der Hype um Angela Merkels Deutschland-Handtasche wird auch vorübergehen.

[1] The hype around Angela Merkel's Germany handbag will also pass

[1] „Und siehe da, was noch vor fünf Jahren lediglich eine Handvoll engagierter Menschen interessiert hätte, entwickelt sich dank Facebook und Twitter zum echten Hype.“

[1] "And lo and behold, which would have been interested in only a handful of committed people five years ago, thanks to Facebook and Twitter, the real hypeÄ has developed"

[1] „Irritieren mag aber auch die überraschende Ratlosigkeit, mit der viele Beobachter den Wirkungen und dem medialen Hype von Fake News gegenüberstehen.“

[1] "However, the surprising perplexity may also irritate with which many observers face the effects and the media hype of fake news"

[1] „Es war ein Hype sondergleichen.“

[1] "It was a hype like a pee" "