Is it der, die or das Hungersnot?
The correct article in German of Hungersnot is die. So it is die Hungersnot! (nominative case)
The word Hungersnot is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Hungersnot?
How does the declension of Hungersnot work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Hungersnot | die Hungersnöte |
Genitive | der Hungersnot | der Hungersnöte |
Dative | der Hungersnot | den Hungersnöten |
Akkusative | die Hungersnot | die Hungersnöte |
What is the meaning of Hungersnot in German?
Hungersnot is defined as:
[1] So much lack of food in a certain region that many people are malnourished or even starved there
[1] so großer Mangel an Nahrungsmitteln in einer bestimmten Region, dass viele Menschen dort unterernährt sind oder sogar verhungernHow to use Hungersnot in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Hungersnot with translations in English.
[1] Aufgrund der anhaltenden Dürre ist ganz Somalia von einer Hungersnot bedroht.
Due to the persistent drought, all of Somalia is threatened by a famine[1] „1770/71 kam es in Brandenburg und Sachsen zu einer Hungersnot.“
[1] "1770/71 there was a famine in Brandenburg and Saxony"[1] „Im Winter und Herbst 1947 erreichte die Hungersnot ihren Höhepunkt und traf sogar die sowjetischen Übersiedler.“
[1] "In winter and autumn 1947, the famine reached its peak and even hit the Soviet overcoming."[1] Die UN warnen vor einer Hungersnot im Bürgerkriegsland Südsudan. Mehr als eine Million Menschen sind auf der Flucht und konnten ihre Felder nicht bestellen.
[1] The UN warn of a famine in the civil war country in the south -souvenly more than a million people are on the run and could not order their fields.[1] „Portugal und seine transatlantische Kolonie waren finanziell und personell ausgelaugt; hüben wie drüben kam es zu Hungersnöten.“
[1] "Portugal and his transatlantic colony were financially and exhausted in terms of personnel and there was a famine diet"