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Is it der, die or das Hotelhalle?



The correct article in German of Hotelhalle is die. So it is die Hotelhalle! (nominative case)

The word Hotelhalle is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Hotelhalle?

How does the declension of Hotelhalle work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Hotelhalle die Hotelhallen
Genitive der Hotelhalle der Hotelhallen
Dative der Hotelhalle den Hotelhallen
Akkusative die Hotelhalle die Hotelhallen

What is the meaning of Hotelhalle in German?

Hotelhalle is defined as:

[1] Hall of a hotel

[1] Halle eines Hotels

How to use Hotelhalle in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Hotelhalle with translations in English.

[1] Vanessa fand die Sitzgelegenheiten in der Hotelhalle sehr bequem.

[1] Vanessa found the seating in the hotel hall very comfortably

[1] „Die Hotelhalle war gerade über mir, und das Fenster stand offen.“

[1] "The hotel hall was over me and the window was open"

[1] „Sie hatte in der Hotelhalle gestanden, die keine Halle war, sondern nur ein Empfangsraum mit einer dunkelbraunen geprägten Tapete, die aussah, als sei sie aus Leder.“

[1] "She had stood in the hotel hall, which was not a hall, but only a reception room with a dark brown wallpaper that looked like she was out of Lederä"

[1] „In der Hotelhalle küssten Pam und Barbara Rudi mehrmals auf die Wange und wünschten eine gute Nacht.“

[1] "Pam and Barbara Rudi kissed in the hotel hall several times and wished a good night"

[1] „Er legte das Blatt auf den Zeitungstisch der Hotelhalle und zog sich in sein Zimmer zurück.“

[1] "He put the paper on the newspaper table of the hotel hall and retired to his room"