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Is it der, die or das Hit?



The correct article in German of Hit is der. So it is der Hit! (nominative case)

The word Hit is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Hit?

How does the declension of Hit work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Hit die Hits
Genitive des Hits der Hits
Dative dem Hit den Hits
Akkusative den Hit die Hits

What is the meaning of Hit in German?

Hit has various definitions in German:

[1] Very successful product

[1] sehr erfolgreiches Produkt

[2] especially related to music: successful song

[2] speziell auf Musik bezogen: erfolgreiches Lied

[3] Sudden incoming, positive event

[3] plötzliches eintreffendes, positives Ereignis

[4] Information technology: hits in the search

[4] Informationstechnologie: Treffer bei der Suche

How to use Hit in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Hit with translations in English.

[1] Das neue Produkt der Firma XY wurde auf einen Schlag ein Hit.

[1] The new product of the XY company was a hit in one fell swoop

[2] Das Lied der jungen Sängerin ist ein Hit geworden.

[2] The song of the young singer has become a hit

[2] „Seine Stimme klang schrecklich, in seinem eigenen Hit traf er kaum einen Ton.“

[2] "His voice sounded terrible, in his own hit he hardly met a tone"

[3] Was ist da geschehen? Das ist ja der Hit!

[3] What's the fact that it is the Hitää

[3] Was du dir da geleistet hast, war auch nicht gerade der Hit.

[3] What you did there was not exactly the hit either

[4] Ich habe das Programm durch die alten Datenbestände geschickt und hatte drei Hits.

[4] I sent the program through the old databases and had three hits