Is it der, die or das Hinterhand?
The correct article in German of Hinterhand is die. So it is die Hinterhand! (nominative case)
The word Hinterhand is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Hinterhand?
How does the declension of Hinterhand work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Hinterhand | — |
Genitive | der Hinterhand | — |
Dative | der Hinterhand | — |
Akkusative | die Hinterhand | — |
What is the meaning of Hinterhand in German?
Hinterhand has various definitions in German:
[1] Card game: The player who plays the last card in a stitch
[1] Kartenspiel: jener Spieler, der bei einem Stich die letzte Karte ausspielt[2] Anatomy: rear part of the body of the horse or dog
[2] Anatomie: hinterer Körperteil des Pferdes oder HundesHow to use Hinterhand in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Hinterhand with translations in English.
[1] „Wenn sie reizen möchte, muss Hinterhand im vorliegenden Fall das Reizen mit »20« beginnen.“
[1] "If she wants to irritate, the rear hand must be stimulated in the present case with" 20 ""[2] „Die optimale Winkelung der Hinterhand wird durch den Winkel des Beckens mit der Horizontalen und den Winkeln, die das Kniegelenk und das Sprunggelenk bilden, definiert.“
[2] "The optimal angle of the hindquarters is defined by the angle of the pelvis with the horizontal and the angles that form the knee joint and the ankle"[1] „Auf die Hinterhand gelehnt, gleitend, trugen die Pferde ihre Reiter talab.“
[1] "leaning against the hindquarters, gliding, the horses wore their tales talabe"