Is it der, die or das Heiratsantrag?
The correct article in German of Heiratsantrag is der. So it is der Heiratsantrag! (nominative case)
The word Heiratsantrag is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Heiratsantrag?
How does the declension of Heiratsantrag work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Heiratsantrag | die Heiratsanträge |
Genitive | des Heiratsantrages des Heiratsantrags | der Heiratsanträge |
Dative | dem Heiratsantrag dem Heiratsantrage | den Heiratsanträgen |
Akkusative | den Heiratsantrag | die Heiratsanträge |
What is the meaning of Heiratsantrag in German?
Heiratsantrag is defined as:
[1] often solemnly presented to marry someone
[1] oftmals feierlich vorgetragener Wunsch, jemanden zu ehelichenHow to use Heiratsantrag in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Heiratsantrag with translations in English.
[1] Nicht selten macht ein Mann im Restaurant seiner Lebensgefährtin einen Heiratsantrag.
[1] It is not uncommon for a man to make a marriage proposal in the restaurant of his partner[1] „Die nette Friseurin hat mir erzählt, seit die Flüchtlinge da seien, bekäme sie jeden Tag zwanzig Heiratsanträge auf dem Weg zur Arbeit und noch einmal zehn auf dem Weg nach Hause.“
[1] "The nice hairdresser has told me since the refugees had been there, she had received twenty marriage proposals on the way to work and another ten on the way home" every day "[1] „Ich habe Mira einen Heiratsantrag gemacht.“
[1] "I made Mira a marriage proposal" "[1] „Er machte ihr einen Heiratsantrag, und im kommenden Herbst heirateten sie.“
[1] "He made a marriage proposal to her, and she married in the coming autumn"