Is it der, die or das Havanna?
The correct article in German of Havanna is das. So it is das Havanna! (nominative case)
The word Havanna is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
The article is needed when "Havana" in a certain quality, at a certain time or period as a subject or object in the sentence, is otherwise, i.e. normally, no article is used.
Context 1
German declension of Havanna?
How does the declension of Havanna work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | (das) Havanna | — |
Genitive | (des Havanna) (des Havannas) Havannas | — |
Dative | (dem) Havanna | — |
Akkusative | (das) Havanna | — |
What is the meaning of Havanna in German?
Havanna is defined as:
[1] Capital of Cuba
[1] Hauptstadt von KubaHow to use Havanna in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Havanna with translations in English.
[1] Die vollständige Bezeichnung von Havanna lautet: San Cristóbal de La Habana.
[1] The full name of Havana is: San Cristóbal de la HabaEan[1] „Auf dem Wege zum Hafen kamen wir durch die Altstadt von Havanna, an deren engen Straßen noch einige gut erhaltene Patrizierhäuser aus der Kolonialzeit stehen, die von der Kathedrale, einem prachtvollen Barockbau aus dem 18. Jahrhundert, überragt werden.“
[1] "On the way to the port we came through the old town of Havana, on the narrow streets of which there are still some well -preserved patrician houses from the colonial era, which are overlaid by the cathedral, a magnificent baroque building from the 18th century."Is it der, die or das Havanna?
The correct article in German of Havanna is die. So it is die Havanna! (nominative case)
The word Havanna is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
Context 2
German declension of Havanna?
How does the declension of Havanna work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Havanna | die Havannas |
Genitive | der Havanna | der Havannas |
Dative | der Havanna | den Havannas |
Akkusative | die Havanna | die Havannas |
What is the meaning of Havanna in German?
Havanna is defined as:
[1] Cigar made from Cuban tobacco
[1] aus kubanischen Tabaken hergestellte ZigarreHow to use Havanna in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Havanna with translations in English.
[1] „Jochen lehnte sich zurück, saugte an seiner Havanna, trank förmlich den Rauch.“
[1] "Jochen leaned back, sucked on his Havana, drank the smoke"[1] „Der Alte betrachtete das rippenlose Deckblatt seiner Havanna, atmete den feinen Rauch ein und passte auf, dass die eineinhalb Zentimeter, die den vollkommenen Rauchgenuss garantierten, nicht abfielen.“
[1] "The old viewed the ribless cover sheet of his Havana, breathed in the fine smoke and carefully carefully cared that the one and a half centimeters, which guaranteed the complete enjoyment of smoking, did not fall off"Is it der, die or das Havanna?
The correct article in German of Havanna is der. So it is der Havanna! (nominative case)
The word Havanna is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 3
German declension of Havanna?
How does the declension of Havanna work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Havanna | die Havannas |
Genitive | des Havanna | der Havannas |
Dative | dem Havanna | den Havannas |
Akkusative | den Havanna | die Havannas |
What is the meaning of Havanna in German?
Havanna is defined as:
[1] mainly as a cover page used in the production of cigars, fine Cuban tobacco
[1] hauptsächlich als Deckblatt bei der Herstellung von Zigarren verwendeter, feiner kubanischer TabakHow to use Havanna in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Havanna with translations in English.
[1] „Im Nordosten Brasiliens gedeiht mit der ‚Flor de Brasil‘, jener Tabak, der neben dem Havanna zu den besten zählt.“
[1] "In the northeast of Brazil thrives with the 'Flor de Brasil', the tobacco that counts next to the Havana" one of the best "Pictures or photos of Havanna
![[1] verschiedene Havannas](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=EO_Premium_601_Serie_Habano.jpg)