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Is it der, die or das Hass?



The correct article in German of Hass is der. So it is der Hass! (nominative case)

The word Hass is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Hass?

How does the declension of Hass work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Hass
Genitive des Hasses
Dative dem Hass dem Hasse
Akkusative den Hass

What is the meaning of Hass in German?

Hass is defined as:

[1] Very strong aversion to someone or something that mostly induced aggression

[1] sehr starke Abneigung gegen jemanden oder etwas, welche meist Aggression induziert

How to use Hass in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Hass with translations in English.

[1] Das hat er aus Hass getan.

[1] He did that out of hatred

[1] „Daher waren Christenfeinde in der frühen Kaiserzeit weniger von Hass gegen die neue Lehre erfüllt; ihre Abneigung entsprang vielmehr ihrer affirmativen Haltung zum Imperium.“

[1] "In the early imperial era, Christian enemies were less of hatred against the new teaching, rather their aversion arises from their affirmative attitude towards empower" "

[1] „Aber jeder Gedanke an Stalin erfüllte ihn so rachsüchtig mit Zorn, dass er nachts im Lager vor Hass keinen Schlaf fand.“

[1] "But every thought of Stalin fulfilled him so vengeful with anger that he did not sleep in the camp in the camp in the camp at night"

[1] „Seit 2.000 Jahren lebt die Erde ohne Liebe. Es regiert der Herr des Hasses.“

[1] “Earth has lived without love for 2,000 years. It rules the Lord of Hass. "

[1] Denke ich an Deutschland, ist mir auch nach Schrei'n

[1] I think of Germany, I also like to scream

Faellt mir soviel Hass, Not und Elend ein

I think so much hatred, need and misery

Dann seh ich die Erde zu Asche verbrannt

Then I see the earth burned into ash

Hier bin ich geboren, auch das ist mein Land.

I was born here, that's my country too