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Is it der, die or das Hannoveraner?



The correct article in German of Hannoveraner is der. So it is der Hannoveraner! (nominative case)

The word Hannoveraner is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Hannoveraner?

How does the declension of Hannoveraner work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Hannoveraner die Hannoveraner
Genitive des Hannoveraners der Hannoveraner
Dative dem Hannoveraner den Hannoveranern
Akkusative den Hannoveraner die Hannoveraner

What is the meaning of Hannoveraner in German?

Hannoveraner has various definitions in German:

[1] residents of Hanover, someone who comes from Hanover

[1] Bewohner von Hannover, jemand der aus Hannover stammt

[2] Horse breed that is one of the strongest warm -blooded lights worldwide

[2] Pferderasse, die zahlenmäßig zu den stärksten Warmblutzuchten weltweit gehört

How to use Hannoveraner in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Hannoveraner with translations in English.

[1] Mein Wohnungsnachbar ist ein gebürtiger Hannoveraner.

[1] My neighbor is a native of Hanover

[1] „Während es heute viele Hannoveraner gibt, die lieber Kurt Schwitters zum berühmtesten Künstler der Stadt promovieren würden, sind es aber nun einmal die Scorpions, die emblematisch für den Hannoverismus wirken - und das weltweit.“

[1] "While there are many Hanoverians today who would rather do a doctorate in Kurt Schwitters to the most famous artist in the city, but it is the Scorpions that have an emblematic effect on Hanoverism - and the world" "

[2] „Deutlich dominierend ist der absolute Allrounder, der Hannoveraner; der Trakehner, Platz fünf, gilt als die edelste der Warmblutrassen.“

[2] "The absolute all -rounder, the Hanoverian area of ​​Trakehner, fifth place, is significantly dominant, is considered the noblest of the warm -bleeding" "