Is it der, die or das Halle?

The correct article in German of Halle is die. So it is die Halle! (nominative case)
The word Halle is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
Context 1
German declension of Halle?
How does the declension of Halle work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Halle | die Hallen |
Genitive | der Halle | der Hallen |
Dative | der Halle | den Hallen |
Akkusative | die Halle | die Hallen |
What is the meaning of Halle in German?
Halle has various definitions in German:
[1] Architecture: Big and high residence, reception or storage room on the ground floor
[1] Architektur: großer und hoher Aufenthalts-, Empfangs- oder Lagerraum im Erdgeschoss[2] Architecture: Buildings, which essentially [1]
[2] Architektur: Gebäude, das im Wesentlichen [1] beinhaltetHow to use Halle in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Halle with translations in English.
[1] Die Veranstaltung findet in der großen Halle im ersten Stock statt.
[1] The event takes place in the big hall on the first floor instead[1] „Er saß herum in den Hallen der Luxushotels, in den Bars der Stadt, in den Cafés, wo die Börsianer saßen.“[2]
[1] "He sat around in the halls of luxury hotels, in the bars of the city, in the cafes, where the Börsians sat" [2][2] Die größte freitragende Halle der Welt ist das Aerium, das ursprünglich für die Cargolifter AG als Werfthalle gebaut wurde. Dieses Bauwerk ist 360 Meter lang, 210 Meter breit, 107 Meter hoch und umschließt 5,5 Millionen Raummeter.
[2] The largest self-supporting hall in the world is the aerium, which was originally built for Cargolifter AG as a shipyard hall, this structure is 360 meters long, 210 meters wide, 107 meters high and encloses 5.5 million indoor meters.[2] „Wir sitzen in einer leeren Halle, irgendeinem Mehrzweckgebäude, das eine der Hilfsorganisationen im Lager errichtet hat, auf einer Decke, die Janalida mitgebracht hat.“[3]
[2] "We are sitting in an empty hall, any multi-purpose building built one of the aid organizations in the camp, on a blanket that brought Janalida at" [3]Is it der, die or das Halle?

The correct article in German of Halle is das. So it is das Halle! (nominative case)
The word Halle is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
The article is needed if "Hall" in a certain quality, at a certain time or time period as a subject or object in the sentence is otherwise, so normally, no article is used.
Context 2
German declension of Halle?
How does the declension of Halle work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | (das) Halle | — |
Genitive | (des Halle) (des Halles) Halles | — |
Dative | (dem) Halle | — |
Akkusative | (das) Halle | — |
What is the meaning of Halle in German?
Halle has various definitions in German:
[1] Counting city in Saxony-Anhalt, located on the Saale
[1] kreisfreie Stadt in Sachsen-Anhalt, gelegen an der Saale[2] City in Kreis Gütersloh in North Rhine-Westphalia
[2] Stadt im Kreis Gütersloh in Nordrhein-Westfalen[3] Municipality in the district of Holzminden in Lower Saxony
[3] Gemeinde im Landkreis Holzminden in Niedersachsen[4] Municipality in the district of Bentheim in Lower Saxony
[4] Gemeinde im Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim in Niedersachsen[5] City in the province of Flemish Brabant in Belgium
[5] Stadt in der Provinz Flämisch-Brabant in Belgien[6] Historical: Salienen City and later also administrative unit in the GDR
[6] historisch: Saliene Stadt und später auch Verwaltungseinheit in der DDRHow to use Halle in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Halle with translations in English.
[1] „Nur in Potsdam und Halle hatte ich Erfolg bei diesem Aufnahmetest und entschied mich dann für Potsdam, weil diese Stadt in der Nähe von Berlin liegt.“[1]
[1] "Only in Potsdam and Halle I had success in this recording test and then decided for Potsdam because this city is near Berlin's" [1][1–5] Wir treffen uns in Halle und fahren dann mit unseren PKWs weiter.
[1-5] We meet in Halle and then continue with our cars[6] „Halle wurde als „Chemiearbeiterbezirk“ entwickelt.“[2]
[6] "Halle was developed as a" chemical worker district "" [2]Pictures or photos of Halle
![[1] Halle](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Vest%C3%ADbul_Universitat_de_Barcelona.jpg)
![[1, 6] Marktplatz von Halle](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Halle_Saale_um_1900.jpg)