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German declension of Graz?

How does the declension of Graz work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative (das) Graz
Genitive (des Graz) Graz’
Dative (dem) Graz
Akkusative (das) Graz

What is the meaning of Graz in German?

Graz is defined as:

[1] Geography: state capital of the Austrian state of Styria

[1] Geografie: Landeshauptstadt des österreichischen Bundeslandes Steiermark

How to use Graz in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Graz with translations in English.

[1] Graz ist die Landeshauptstadt der Steiermark.

[1] Graz is the state capital of the Styria

[1] „In 80 Prozent der überprüften Gaststätten mit Raucher- und Nichtraucherbereich in Graz wurden im Nichtraucherraum gesundheitsschädliche Mengen an Feinstaub gemessen, berichtet die Steiermärkische Gebietskrankenkasse.“

[1] "In 80 percent of the restaurants checked with smoking and non-smoking area in Graz, health-damaging amounts of fine dust were measured in the non-smoking room, reports the Styrian area health insurance fund"

[zum Artikel-Gebrauch] Das Graz von heute ist weltoffen.

[for the use of article] The Graz of today is cosmopolitan

Pictures or photos of Graz

[1] Graz
[1] Graz