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Is it der, die or das Graphentheorie?



The correct article in German of Graphentheorie is die. So it is die Graphentheorie! (nominative case)

The word Graphentheorie is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Graphentheorie?

How does the declension of Graphentheorie work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Graphentheorie die Graphentheorien
Genitive der Graphentheorie der Graphentheorien
Dative der Graphentheorie den Graphentheorien
Akkusative die Graphentheorie die Graphentheorien

What is the meaning of Graphentheorie in German?

Graphentheorie is defined as:

[1] Computer science, mathematics: sub -area of ​​mathematics, which examines the properties of graphs and their relationships with each other

[1] Informatik, Mathematik: Teilgebiet der Mathematik, das die Eigenschaften von Graphen und ihre Beziehungen zueinander untersucht

How to use Graphentheorie in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Graphentheorie with translations in English.

[1] „Die Aussage min |D| = max |M| ist einer der fundamentalen "Gleichgewichtssätze" der Graphentheorie, welcher die beiden Begriffe "Bedecken" (= Träger) und "Packen" (= Matching) in Beziehung setzt.“

[1] "The statement min | d | = Max | M | is one of the fundamental "equilibrium rates" of graph theory, which "cover" the two terms (= carrier) and "pack" (= matching) in relation "

[1] „Ein Bereich, in dem die Graphentheorie erhebliche Beiträge leistet, sei dagegen die Verkehrsplanung. Plant man beispielsweise den Zugverkehr durch Bahnhöfe, dürfen nicht auf einem Gleis zwei Züge in zu engem zeitlichen Abstand einfahren.“

[1] "An area in which the graph theory makes significant contributions, on the other hand, if the traffic planning is planned, for example, train stations are planned, and two trains are not allowed to be clear on a track."