Is it der, die or das Glut?
The correct article in German of Glut is die. So it is die Glut! (nominative case)
The word Glut is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Glut?
How does the declension of Glut work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Glut | die Gluten |
Genitive | der Glut | der Gluten |
Dative | der Glut | den Gluten |
Akkusative | die Glut | die Gluten |
What is the meaning of Glut in German?
Glut has various definitions in German:
[1] glowing material, combustion without flame formation
[1] glühendes Material, Verbrennung ohne Flammenbildung[2] glowing passion
[2] glühende LeidenschaftHow to use Glut in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Glut with translations in English.
[1] Die Glut im Ofen reicht, um nicht nachlegen zu müssen.
[1] The embers in the oven are enough to not have to add up[1] „Die Glut machte die Umgebung schwarz.“
[1] "The embers made the area Schwarzä"[1] „Die Glut der Zigaretten warf kleine, zärtliche Lichter von unten gegen ihre Gesichter.“
[1] "The embers of the cigarettes threw small, tender lights from below against their faces"[1] „Er lacht schallend und zieht dann zwei Mal hastig an seiner Zigarette, bis die Glut so lang ist wie der Filter.“
[1] "He laughs and then hastily pulls on his cigarette twice until the embers are as long as the filterior"[1] „Ich spuckte den brennenden Zigarettenstummel auf den Teppich, sah, wie die Glut sich verteilte, kleine, schwarze Löcher brannte.“
[1] "I spat the burning cigarette button on the carpet, saw how the embers were spreading, small, black holes burned"[2] Die Glut in seinen Augen lässt seine Begeisterung erkennen.
[2] The embers in his eyes reveals his enthusiasm