Is it der, die or das Gehstock?

The correct article in German of Gehstock is der. So it is der Gehstock! (nominative case)
The word Gehstock is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Gehstock?
How does the declension of Gehstock work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Gehstock | die Gehstöcke |
Genitive | des Gehstockes des Gehstocks | der Gehstöcke |
Dative | dem Gehstock dem Gehstocke | den Gehstöcken |
Akkusative | den Gehstock | die Gehstöcke |
What is the meaning of Gehstock in German?
Gehstock is defined as:
[1] floor that you use while walking
[1] Stock, den man beim Gehen benutztHow to use Gehstock in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Gehstock with translations in English.
[1] „1836 nämlich kam der Stockmacher Wilhelm Ludwig aus dem niedersächsischen Eddigehausen nach Lindewerra, begutachtete die an den Hängen wachsenden Eichenschösslinge, machte sich sesshaft und begann mit der Herstellung von Gehstöcken.“
[1] "In 1836 the Stockmacher Wilhelm Ludwig came to Lindewerra from the Lower Saxony of Eddigehausen, examined the oak shooting growing on the slopes, set up and began to manufacture and began with the production of Geulesk."[1] „Ein Gehstock half ihm, das Gleichgewicht zu halten, es wurde ihm nur noch bei allzu abrupten Bewegungen schlecht.“
[1] "A walking stick helped him keep his balance, he was only badly with too abrupt movements"[1] „Einer der Kobolde zeigte mit seinem Gehstock in die Luft.“
[1] "One of the goblins pointed to the air with his walking stick"