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Is it der, die or das Gehrock?



The correct article in German of Gehrock is der. So it is der Gehrock! (nominative case)

The word Gehrock is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Gehrock?

How does the declension of Gehrock work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Gehrock die Gehröcke
Genitive des Gehrocks des Gehrockes der Gehröcke
Dative dem Gehrock den Gehröcken
Akkusative den Gehrock die Gehröcke

What is the meaning of Gehrock in German?

Gehrock is defined as:

[1] Two -row men's jacket with knee -length shots

[1] zweireihige Herrenjacke mit knielangen Schößen

How to use Gehrock in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Gehrock with translations in English.

[1] „Vom Gebäude her näherten sich Männer in dunklen Gehröcken; voran der Präsident, hinter ihm der Außenminister Madison.“

[1] "From the building, men approached in dark vicinals the president, behind him the Foreign Minister Madisonä" "

[1] „Der Direktor ist im Gehrock.“

[1] "The director is in the Gehrocke"

[1] „Unten stand ein beleibter Mann im Gehrock von biederem Wesen.“

[1] "A obese man was in the Biederem Wesh" in the Biederock "below"

[1] „Manche tragen Gehrock nach britischer Mode, andere Leopardenfelle.“

[1] "Some wear meat cock after British fashion, other Leopardfelleä" "

[1] „Nach dem Diner bei der Fürstin Galitzin zog ich mir den Gehrock an und ging ins Café, um die Gazetten zu lesen.“

[1] "After the diner at Princess Galitzin, I put on the fragment and went to the café to read the gazettes"