Is it der, die or das Gefieder?
The correct article in German of Gefieder is das. So it is das Gefieder! (nominative case)
The word Gefieder is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Gefieder?
How does the declension of Gefieder work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Gefieder | die Gefieder |
Genitive | des Gefieders | der Gefieder |
Dative | dem Gefieder | den Gefiedern |
Akkusative | das Gefieder | die Gefieder |
What is the meaning of Gefieder in German?
Gefieder is defined as:
[1] entirety of the feathers that cover the skin of a bird
[1] Gesamtheit der Federn, welche die Haut eines Vogels bedeckenHow to use Gefieder in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Gefieder with translations in English.
[1] Der Pfauenhahn trägt ein besonders prächtiges Gefieder.
[1] The peacock tap wears a particularly magnificent plumage[1] „Ein paar Hühner mit verdrecktem Gefieder stolzierten vorbei.“
[1] "A few chickens with dirty plumage strut over by"[1] „Das Gefieder der Unterseite des Waldkauzes war rauchgelb, mit dunklen Streifen darin; sie hätte es gern berührt, aber sie wagte es nicht, dieser Vogel war kein Tier, das sich streicheln ließ, außer nach langer Gewöhnung.“
[1] "The plumage of the underside of the forest owl was smoke yellow, with dark stripes in it she would have liked to touch it, but it did not dare, this bird was not an animal that could be stroked, except after a long getting used to"[1] „Es war ein älteres Exemplar, das hatte Walter am Gefieder erkannt.“
[1] "It was an older specimen that Walter had recognized on the plumage"