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Is it der, die or das Gedicht?



The correct article in German of Gedicht is das. So it is das Gedicht! (nominative case)

The word Gedicht is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Gedicht?

How does the declension of Gedicht work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Gedicht die Gedichte
Genitive des Gedichtes des Gedichts der Gedichte
Dative dem Gedicht dem Gedichte den Gedichten
Akkusative das Gedicht die Gedichte

What is the meaning of Gedicht in German?

Gedicht has various definitions in German:

[1] Literature: Lyrical linguistic work of art that is mostly in writing and in stanza and verse form

[1] Literatur: lyrisches sprachliches Kunstwerk, das meist schriftlich und in Strophen- und Versform vorliegt

[2] colloquially: (especially with regard to the culinary) something exceptionally successful

[2] umgangssprachlich: (vor allem bezüglich Kulinarischem) etwas außergewöhnlich gut Gelungenes

How to use Gedicht in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Gedicht with translations in English.

[1] Manche Menschen finden Trost in Gedichten.

[1] Some people find comfort in poemsh

[1] „Die Gedichte waren viel interessanter.“

[1] "The poems were much interesting"

[1] „Farben finden sich immer wieder in seinen Gedichten.“

[1] "Colors can always be found in his poems"

[1] „Auf dem Tablett lag ein gedrucktes, zu Ehren des Helden verfasstes Gedicht.“

[1] "On the tray there was a printed poem, written in honor of the hero"

[2] Dein Pudding ist mal wieder ein Gedicht.

[2] Your pudding is again a poem

Pictures or photos of Gedicht

[1] Gedicht
[1] Gedicht