map of ubahn

Is it der, die or das Gaudi?




The correct article in German of Gaudi is die or das. So it is die or das Gaudi! (nominative case)

The word Gaudi is feminine or neuter, therefore the correct article is die or das.

German declension of Gaudi?

How does the declension of Gaudi work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular 1 Singular 2 Plural
Nominative die Gaudi das Gaudi
Genitive der Gaudi des Gaudis
Dative der Gaudi dem Gaudi
Akkusative die Gaudi das Gaudi

What is the meaning of Gaudi in German?

Gaudi is defined as:

[1] Southern German: exuberant joy

[1] süddeutsch: ausgelassene Freude

How to use Gaudi in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Gaudi with translations in English.

[1] Bei dem Firmenfest dieses Jahr, wo auch Familien eingeladen werden, hatten die Kinder viel Gaudi gehabt.

[1] At the company festival this year, where families are also invited, the children had a lot of fun

[1] Hänschen hat sich ein Gaudi mit den Ursprung Buam und ihren Liedern gemacht.

[1] Hänschen has made a fun with the origin of Buam and their songs

[1] „In Pamplona werden bei der berühmten Fiesta de San Fermin zur Gaudi der Bevölkerung wilde Stiere durch die Altstadtgassen gejagt.“

[1] "In Pamplona, ​​the famous Fiesta de San Fermin will hunt wild bulls through the old town alleys of the population of the population"