Is it der, die or das Fund?
The correct article in German of Fund is der. So it is der Fund! (nominative case)
The word Fund is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
The plural form FISSE is outdated and is completely unbroken today
Context 1
German declension of Fund?
How does the declension of Fund work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural 1 | Plural 2 |
Nominative | der Fund | die Funde | die Fünde |
Genitive | des Funds des Fundes | der Funde | der Fünde |
Dative | dem Fund dem Funde | den Funden | den Fünden |
Akkusative | den Fund | die Funde | die Fünde |
What is the meaning of Fund in German?
Fund has various definitions in German:
[1] An object (rarely also a person) that someone has found
[1] ein Gegenstand (selten auch ein Mensch), den jemand gefunden hat[2] No plural: Discovering something
[2] kein Plural: das Entdecken von etwas[3] Octed: invention
[3] veraltet: Erfindung[A] in connection with new: fashion
[a] in Verbindung mit neu: ModeHow to use Fund in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Fund with translations in English.
[1] „Er spielte Philosoph und fragte wie Klein Doof: „Warum ist etwas da, das da vorher noch nicht war? Hmm… das hat bestimmt ’nen Grund!“ Vielen Dank für diesen Fund.“
[1] "He played philosopher and asked like Klein Doof:" Why is there something that hasn't been in the process before ...[1] „Der reich ausgestattete Band präsentiert nicht nur die Funde aus dem Römerlager und Außenposten, die teilweise bereits restauriert wurden, sondern bettet die Funde auch in die römisch-germanische Geschichte der Zeitenwende ein.“
[1] "The richly equipped band not only presents the finds from the Roman camp and outposts, some of which have already been restored, but also embeds the finds in the Roman-Germanic history of the turn of the time"[1] „Neue, Aufsehen erregende Funde der letzten Jahre haben gerade die Geschichtsschreibung dieser Epoche stark verändert.“
[1] "New, sensational finds of recent years have changed the historiography of this era"[2] Ich wurde beim Fund des Schmuckstücks beobachtet.
[2] I was observed when the jewel[3]
[8th]Is it der, die or das Fund?
The correct article in German of Fund is der. So it is der Fund! (nominative case)
The word Fund is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 2
German declension of Fund?
How does the declension of Fund work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Fund | die Funds |
Genitive | des Funds | der Funds |
Dative | dem Fund | den Funds |
Akkusative | den Fund | die Funds |
What is the meaning of Fund in German?
Fund has various definitions in German:
[1] Octed: land, soil, properties
[1] veraltet: Grund, Boden, Liegenschaften[2] Observed: share capital, capital, funds
[2] veraltet: Stammkapital, Kapital, Finanzmittel[3] Octed: Foundation
[3] veraltet: Stiftung[4] Octed: stock
[4] veraltet: VorratHow to use Fund in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Fund with translations in English.
[1][2] Zur Bestreitung der Kriegskosten brauchen wir einen zulänglichen Fund.
To deny the war costs, we need a forced fund[3]
[4]Is it der, die or das Fund?
The correct article in German of Fund is das. So it is das Fund! (nominative case)
The word Fund is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
Context 3
German declension of Fund?
How does the declension of Fund work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Fund | die Funde |
Genitive | des Fundes | der Funde |
Dative | dem Fund dem Funde | den Funden |
Akkusative | das Fund | die Funde |
What is the meaning of Fund in German?
Fund is defined as:
[1] Outdated, Waidmännisch: punishment of a hunter or a hunter who had violated the Weidmann rules. the flat blade of the Waid knife one faded on the butt
[1] veraltet, waidmännisch: Bestrafung eines Jägers oder einer Jägerin, der beziehungsweise die gegen die Weidmannsregeln verstoßen hatte; die betroffene Person wurde auf einen Hirschen oder ein Schwein gelegt und bekam im Angesicht der umstehenden anderen Jäger vom Anführer der Gesellschaft mit der flachen Klinge des Waidmessers einen Schlag auf den HinternHow to use Fund in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Fund with translations in English.
[1] Herr von Falkenburg hatte viel Zeit mit der Lektüre von Jagdbüchern verbracht und war nun firm in der waidmännischen Sprache, so dass er nicht nur für sein ganzes Leben vor Fehlern gefeit war, sondern obendrein noch in der Lage war, anderen Jägern Fund zuzuwenden, die ihre Zeit nicht so sehr dem Erlernen waidmännischer Gebräuche gewidmet hatten.
[1] Lord von Falkenburg had spent a lot of time reading and was now firm in the Waidmännische Language, so that he was not only immune to mistakes for his whole life, but was also able to turn to other hunters find who had not devoted their time so much to the learning of waid -male customs