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Is it der, die or das Freundin?



The correct article in German of Freundin is die. So it is die Freundin! (nominative case)

The word Freundin is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Freundin?

How does the declension of Freundin work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Freundin die Freundinnen
Genitive der Freundin der Freundinnen
Dative der Freundin den Freundinnen
Akkusative die Freundin die Freundinnen

What is the meaning of Freundin in German?

Freundin has various definitions in German:

[1] a very close, female person, for whom one has developed friendly and comradely feelings

[1] ein sehr nahestehender, weiblicher Mensch, für den man freund- und kameradschaftliche Gefühle entwickelt hat

[2] Short for steadfast girlfriend; beloved

[2] Kurzform für feste Freundin; Geliebte

How to use Freundin in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Freundin with translations in English.

[1] Sie ist meine beste Freundin.

[1] She is my best friend.

[1] „Doch im Fall von Elizabeth Kearnon lag die Sache anders, da es sich bei ihr und ihrer Freundin offenbar um Wiederholungstäterinnen handelte.“[2]

[1] "But in the case of Elizabeth Kearnon things were different, since she and her friend were apparently repeat offenders." [2]

[1] „Nun waren sie wieder Freundinnen.“[3]

[1] "Now they were friends again." [3]

[1] „Ada hatte mir eine Freundin vorgestellt, Dina.“[4]

[1] "Ada had introduced me to a friend, Dina." [4]

[1] „Die Freundin bemerkte seine Verzweiflung und verlor sich in Rechtfertigungen.“[5]

[1] "The girlfriend noticed his despair and lost herself in justifications." [5]

[2] „Na, Kleiner, hast du schon eine Freundin?“

[2] "Well, little one, do you already have a girlfriend?"

[2] Thomas hat seit kurzem eine Freundin.

[2] Thomas recently had a girlfriend.

[2] „Die Freundinnen sind gekommen und gegangen, aber die schönen Gefühle, die der Genuss von Eis in mir auslöst, sind geblieben.“[6]

[2] "The friends have come and gone, but the beautiful feelings that the enjoyment of ice cream triggers in me have remained." [6]

[2] „Ich habe Freundinnen, die Studentinnen sind.“[7]

[2] "I have girlfriends who are students." [7]

[2] „Ich blieb eine Weile zurück, damit Jacques genügend Zeit hatte, einen Waffenstillstand zwischen seiner Freundin und seiner Cousine auszuhandeln.“[8]

[2] "I stayed behind for a while so Jacques had enough time to negotiate a truce between his girlfriend and his cousin." [8]