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Is it der, die or das Formular?



The correct article in German of Formular is das. So it is das Formular! (nominative case)

The word Formular is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Formular?

How does the declension of Formular work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Formular die Formulare
Genitive des Formulars der Formulare
Dative dem Formular den Formularen
Akkusative das Formular die Formulare

What is the meaning of Formular in German?

Formular is defined as:

[1] Standardized text template that is to be supplemented by individual information

[1] standardisierte Textvorlage, die um individuelle Angaben zu ergänzen ist

How to use Formular in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Formular with translations in English.

[1] Zur Beantragung des Benutzerausweises füllen Sie bitte das grüne Formular aus.

[1] To apply for the user ID, please fill in the green form

[1] „Ein dritter findet es unbegreiflich, dass die Stadt noch keine Formulare geschickt hat.“[3]

[1] "A third thing is incomprehensible that the city has not sent any forms yet" [3]

[1] […] die Rentenkasse verlangte – gemäß dem Getto-Renten-Gesetz von 2002 – dass die Überlebenden weltweit mehrseitige deutsche Formulare ausfüllen und, bizarr, einstige Lohnzahlungen im Getto nachweisen.[4]

[1] [...] The pension fund demanded - according to the Getto-Pension Law of 2002 - that the survivors worldwide complete multiple German forms and, bizarre, prove former payments in the Getto [4]

[1] „Doch das Formular wollte ausgefüllt werden.“[5]

[1] "But the form wanted to be filled out." [5]

Pictures or photos of Formular

[1] Formulare für das Finanzamt
[1] Formulare für das Finanzamt