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Is it der, die or das Football?



The correct article in German of Football is der. So it is der Football! (nominative case)

The word Football is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Football?

How does the declension of Football work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Football die Footballs
Genitive des Football des Footballs der Footballs
Dative dem Football den Footballs
Akkusative den Football die Footballs

What is the meaning of Football in German?

Football has various definitions in German:

[1] No plural: generic term for team sports where the ball is played with the foot

[1] kein Plural: Oberbegriff für Mannschaftssportarten, bei denen der Ball mit dem Fuß gespielt wird

[2] No plural, colloquially: American football

[2] kein Plural, umgangssprachlich: American Football

[3] Ball that is used in some sports

[3] Ball, der bei einigen Sportarten verwendet wird

How to use Football in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Football with translations in English.

[1] Er mochte jegliche Varianten des Footballs.

[1] He liked any variants of the football

[2] Gestern absolvierte er erfolgreich das Football-Probetraining.

[2] Yesterday he successfully completed the football profile training

[2] „Der amerikanische Nationalsport wird schlankweg »Football« genannt, als ob es kein anderes Fußballspiel gäbe, als ob es mit dem Fuß oder mit dem Ball etwas zu tun hätte.“

[2] "The American national sport is called slim path" football "as if there was no other football game as if it had something to do with the foot or the ball"

[3] Seine Großeltern kauften ihm einen Football in den USA.

[3] His grandparents bought him a football in the USA

Pictures or photos of Football

[1] Football zum 75. Jubiläum der NFL
[1] Football zum 75. Jubiläum der NFL