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Is it der, die or das Fluglotse?



The correct article in German of Fluglotse is der. So it is der Fluglotse! (nominative case)

The word Fluglotse is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Fluglotse?

How does the declension of Fluglotse work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Fluglotse die Fluglotsen
Genitive des Fluglotsen der Fluglotsen
Dative dem Fluglotsen den Fluglotsen
Akkusative den Fluglotsen die Fluglotsen

What is the meaning of Fluglotse in German?

Fluglotse is defined as:

[1] person who monitors and starts the landing and starting at an airport and regulates and regulates

[1] Person, die an einem Flughafen das Landen und Starten der Flugzeuge überwacht und regelt

How to use Fluglotse in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Fluglotse with translations in English.

[1] Der Fluglotse überwacht den Luftraum und leitet alle Luftfahrzeuge in seinem Zuständigkeitsbereich, soweit sie seiner Kontrolle unterliegen, um Zusammenstöße zu vermeiden (Flugsicherung), aber auch, um für die Fluggesellschaften eine möglichst ökonomische Durchführung der Flüge herzustellen und aufrecht zu erhalten.

[1] The air traffic controller monitors the airspace and directs all aircraft in its area of ​​responsibility, insofar as they are subject to its control in order to avoid clashes (air traffic control), but also in order to create and maintain the most economic implementation of the flights for the airlines

[1] Die Ausbildung eines Fluglotsen dauert in Deutschland etwa zwei bis drei Jahre.

[1] The training of a air traffic controller in Germany lasts about two to three years

[1] Fluglotsen sind immer nur für einen bestimmten Bereich (Sektor) zuständig.

[1] Air traffic controllers are only responsible for a specific area (sector)

[1] „In diesem Jahr stand zum ersten Mal in der Schweiz ein Fluglotse wegen eines Vorfalls vor Gericht, bei dem niemand zu Schaden kam.“

[1] "This year, for the first time in Switzerland, a air traffic controller was in court because of an incident in which nobody was damaged"

Pictures or photos of Fluglotse

[1] Fluglotsen
[1] Fluglotsen