Is it der, die or das Firmenname?
The correct article in German of Firmenname is der. So it is der Firmenname! (nominative case)
The word Firmenname is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Firmenname?
How does the declension of Firmenname work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Firmenname | die Firmennamen |
Genitive | des Firmennamens | der Firmennamen |
Dative | dem Firmennamen | den Firmennamen |
Akkusative | den Firmennamen | die Firmennamen |
What is the meaning of Firmenname in German?
Firmenname is defined as:
[1] The registered (in Germany in the commercial register) designation of a company, a company
[1] die eingetragene (in Deutschland ins Handelsregister) Bezeichnung einer Firma, eines UnternehmensHow to use Firmenname in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Firmenname with translations in English.
[1] So mancher Firmenname erlangte schon Weltgeltung.
[1] Some company names have already achieved world gratuing[1] „Hier kommen natürlich viele Firmennamen und Namen von Institutionen und Organisationen vor.“
[1] "Of course there are many company names and names of institutions and organizations" here "[1] „Zur Lautung der Werbesprache gehören für mich auch Fälle, in denen ausländische Firmennamen eingedeutscht ausgesprochen werden, obwohl sie fast jeder korrekt aussprechen könnte.“
[1] "For me, there are also cases in which foreign corporate names are expressed, even though they could express almost everyone could be expressed correctly"