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Is it der, die or das Fingerspitze?



The correct article in German of Fingerspitze is die. So it is die Fingerspitze! (nominative case)

The word Fingerspitze is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Fingerspitze?

How does the declension of Fingerspitze work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Fingerspitze die Fingerspitzen
Genitive der Fingerspitze der Fingerspitzen
Dative der Fingerspitze den Fingerspitzen
Akkusative die Fingerspitze die Fingerspitzen

What is the meaning of Fingerspitze in German?

Fingerspitze is defined as:

[1] Often only plural: the front part of the finger, the last link of the finger

[1] häufig nur Plural: der vordere Teil des Fingers, das letzte Glied des Fingers

How to use Fingerspitze in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Fingerspitze with translations in English.

[1] Die Fingerspitzen sind für die haptische Wahrnehmung sehr wichtig.

[1] The fingertips are very important for the haptic perception

[1] „Ihre Fingerspitzen waren in Henna getunkt.“

[1] "Your fingertips were dated in Henna"

[1] „Er streicht mit den Fingerspitzen leicht über ihre Haut.“

[1] "He strokes his fingertips slightly over your skin"

[1] „In den Fingerspitzen fühlte er das Klopfen des fremden Pulses.“

[1] "In the fingertips he felt the knocking of the foreign Pulsesä"

[1] „Noby stellte seinen Zeigefinger senkrecht und ließ die Fingerspitze imaginäre Kreise im Raum vollführen.“

[1] "Noby put his index finger vertically and let the fingertips perform imaginary circles in the room"