Is it der, die or das Finanzexperte?
The correct article in German of Finanzexperte is der. So it is der Finanzexperte! (nominative case)
The word Finanzexperte is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Finanzexperte?
How does the declension of Finanzexperte work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Finanzexperte | die Finanzexperten |
Genitive | des Finanzexperten | der Finanzexperten |
Dative | dem Finanzexperten | den Finanzexperten |
Akkusative | den Finanzexperten | die Finanzexperten |
What is the meaning of Finanzexperte in German?
Finanzexperte is defined as:
[1] person who is very familiar with finance
[1] Person, die sich im Finanzwesen sehr gut auskenntHow to use Finanzexperte in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Finanzexperte with translations in English.
[1] „Wenn die Finanzexperten so schlau sind, wie sie immer tun, müssten sie eigentlich die Herabstufung der USA vorausgesehen und dies in die Kurse der vorigen Woche eingepreist haben.“
[1] "If the financial experts are as clever as they always do, they would actually have to have the downgrading of the USA and have priced this into the courses of the last week"[1] „"Gerade in Phasen niedriger Guthabenverzinsung wie jetzt sollten Kapitalanleger ihr Erspartes - zumindest teilweise - in die Finanzierung einbringen. Denn damit ist das Sparguthaben nicht nur extrem solide investiert, Banken belohnen einen höheren Eigenkapitalanteil mit günstigeren Konditionen", so Finanzexperte Goris.“
[1] "" Especially in phases of low credit interest, as now, investors should - at least partially - bring in the financing because the savings balance is not only extremely solid, banks reward a higher share of equity with cheaper conditions, "said financial expert Goris. "[1] „Der Grüne Finanzexperte und Bankenkritiker Gerhard Schick wartet noch immer auf eine offizielle Einladung für eine Vorstandssitzung der Deutschen Bank.“
[1] "The green financial expert and banking critic Gerhard Schick is still waiting for an official invitation for a board meeting of the Deutsche Bankä" "