Is it der, die or das Film?

The correct article in German of Film is der. So it is der Film! (nominative case)
The word Film is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Film?
How does the declension of Film work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Film | die Filme |
Genitive | des Films des Filmes | der Filme |
Dative | dem Film dem Filme | den Filmen |
Akkusative | den Film | die Filme |
What is the meaning of Film in German?
Film has various definitions in German:
[1] thin layer of something
[1] dünne Schicht von etwas[2] Photography: Material for photography of static pictures
[2] Fotografie: Material für die Fotografie von statischen Bildern[3] Film: sequence of different images (today usually with soundtrack and digital, see also video)
[3] Film: Abfolge von verschiedenen Bildern (heute in der Regel mit Tonspur und digital, siehe auch Video)[4] Film, art: art direction and industrial branch, the films [3] produced
[4] Film, Kunst: Kunstrichtung und Industriezweig, der Filme[3] produziertHow to use Film in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Film with translations in English.
[1] Auf der Straße war ein Film von Öl, der mich von der Straße abbrachte.
[1] On the street was a film of oil that spent me from the street[2] Der Film wurde belichtet.
[2] The film was exposed[3] Dieser Film wurde für den Oscar nominiert.
[3] This film was nominated for the Oscar[3] „Der Film war ganz anders, als ich es mir vorgestellt hatte.“
[3] "The film was very different than I had imagined"[3] „Da war der Film auch schon wieder aus.“
[3] "The film was already out of it"[3] „Man schaut sich den Film einfach in der türkischen Synchronisation an und gewöhnt sich langsam an den wunderbaren Klang dieser Sprache.“
[3] "You just look at the film in Turkish dubbing and slowly get used to the wonderful sound of this language"[3] „Forstrat Bertram, Meixner durch die gemeinsame Jagd verbunden, hatte einen Film über die seit längerem beobachteten Baumschäden gedreht, den er gern in dieser Runde gezeigt hätte.“
[3] "Forstrat Bertram, Meixner connected by hunting together, had made a film about the tree damage that had been observed for a long time, which he would have liked to show in this round"[4] Er arbeitet beim Film.
[4] He works on the filmPictures or photos of Film
![[2] ein Film (1981)](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Agfa_Agfachrome_CT18_Diafilm_3.jpg)