Is it der, die or das Feuerstein?
The correct article in German of Feuerstein is der. So it is der Feuerstein! (nominative case)
The word Feuerstein is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Feuerstein?
How does the declension of Feuerstein work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Feuerstein | die Feuersteine |
Genitive | des Feuersteins des Feuersteines | der Feuersteine |
Dative | dem Feuerstein dem Feuersteine | den Feuersteinen |
Akkusative | den Feuerstein | die Feuersteine |
What is the meaning of Feuerstein in German?
Feuerstein has various definitions in German:
[1] Rock, which served primarily in the Stone Age for the production of tools and to produce fire
[1] Gestein, das vor allem in der Steinzeit zur Herstellung von Werkzeugen und zur Erzeugung von Feuer diente[2] Alloy made of cer and iron to create fire
[2] Legierung aus Cer und Eisen zum Erzeugen von Feuer[3] A family name
[3] ein FamiliennameHow to use Feuerstein in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Feuerstein with translations in English.
[1] Wenn man geschickt genug ist, kann man mit Feuersteinen Flammen entfachen.
[1] If you are clever enough, you can spark flames with flames[1] „Aber weil er das Gefühl hatte, schon zu viel von seinen Feuersteinen gefaselt zu haben, so hatte er jetzt Bedenken.“
[1] "But because he had the feeling that he had already fucked too much of his flints, he had now had concerns"[2]
[3]Pictures or photos of Feuerstein
![[1] Feuersteinbruch](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Feuerstein-bruch.jpg)