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Is it der, die or das Ferse?



The correct article in German of Ferse is die. So it is die Ferse! (nominative case)

The word Ferse is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Ferse?

How does the declension of Ferse work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Ferse die Fersen
Genitive der Ferse der Fersen
Dative der Ferse den Fersen
Akkusative die Ferse die Fersen

What is the meaning of Ferse in German?

Ferse is defined as:

[1] rear part of the foot

[1] hinterer Teil des Fußes

How to use Ferse in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Ferse with translations in English.

[1] Beim Sport habe ich mir meine linke Ferse verletzt.

[1] In sports I injured my left heel

[1] „Da ging diese [die andere Schwester] in die Kammer und kam mit den Zehen glücklich in den Schuh, aber die Ferse war zu groß. Da reichte ihr die Mutter ein Messer und sprach: ‚Hau ein Stück von der Ferse ab: Wann du Königin bist, brauchst du nicht mehr zu Fuß gehen.‘“

[1] “Then this [the other sister] went into the chamber and came into the shoe happily with the toes, but the heel was too large. Then her mother handed her a knife and said: ' : When you are queen, you no longer need to walk. '"

[1] „Die Knie hatte sie durchgedrückt; sie hob und senkte die Beine und trommelte mit den Fersen auf den Fußboden.“

[1] "The knees had pushed them through and lowered her legs and drummed her heels on the floor" "

Pictures or photos of Ferse

[1] Ferse eines Mädchens
[1] Ferse eines Mädchens