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Is it der, die or das Feldwebel?



The correct article in German of Feldwebel is der. So it is der Feldwebel! (nominative case)

The word Feldwebel is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Feldwebel?

How does the declension of Feldwebel work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Feldwebel die Feldwebel
Genitive des Feldwebels der Feldwebel
Dative dem Feldwebel den Feldwebeln
Akkusative den Feldwebel die Feldwebel

What is the meaning of Feldwebel in German?

Feldwebel is defined as:

[1] Army, Air Force, no plural: non -commissioned officer rates

[1] Heer, Luftwaffe, kein Plural: Unteroffiziersdienstgrad

[a] Bundeswehr, no plural: between the staff non -commissioned officer and senior sergeant

[a] Bundeswehr, kein Plural: zwischen dem Stabsunteroffizier und Oberfeldwebel

[b] Wehrmacht, National People's Army, no plural: between the Unterfeldewebel and the Sergeant

[b] Wehrmacht, Nationale Volksarmee, kein Plural: zwischen dem Unterfeldwebel und dem Oberfeldwebel

How to use Feldwebel in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Feldwebel with translations in English.

[1] „Ihr Vater war dort als Feldwebel der Luftwaffe stationiert.“

[1] "Her father was stationed there as a sergeant of the Luftwaffe" "

[2] „An der Spitze der Kolonne trabt der dicke Feldwebel.“

[2] "At the top of the column, the thick sergeant trots"

[2] „Fabian kam mit dem Feldwebel und setzte sich dazu.“

[2] "Fabian came with the sergeant and sat down"

[2] „Dieser Reisende heißt Wagner und ist ein ehemaliger Feldwebel von den Zweiundfünfzigern, die vor dem Kriege in Cottbus kaserniert waren.“

[2] "This traveler is called Wagner and is a former sergeant from the fifty two who barracked before the war in Cottbus"



[4] Sie ist schon ein Feldwebel!

[4] She is already a sergeant

Pictures or photos of Feldwebel

[2] Frühneuzeitlicher Feldwebel
[2] Frühneuzeitlicher Feldwebel