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Is it der, die or das Feigling?



The correct article in German of Feigling is der. So it is der Feigling! (nominative case)

The word Feigling is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Feigling?

How does the declension of Feigling work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Feigling die Feiglinge
Genitive des Feiglings der Feiglinge
Dative dem Feigling den Feiglingen
Akkusative den Feigling die Feiglinge

What is the meaning of Feigling in German?

Feigling is defined as:

[1] Angel, anxious, risk -unlike person

[1] furchtsame, ängstliche, risikoscheue Person

How to use Feigling in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Feigling with translations in English.

[1] Sei kein solcher Feigling und sag deinem Chef endlich mal richtig die Meinung!

[1] Don't be such a coward and finally tell your boss the opinion

[1] „Wer eine Familie mit fünf Töchtern gründet, kann kein Feigling sein.“

[1] "Anyone who founds a family with five daughters cannot be a cowardly sore"

[1] „Anstatt seinen Leuten zu Hilfe zu kommen, drehte sich dieser jämmerliche Feigling plötzlich um und gab Fersengeld.“

[1] "Instead of coming to the aid of his people, this miserable coward suddenly turned and gave heel money" "

[1] „Nun schämten sich die Moskowiter wohl, dass sie als Feiglinge bezeichnet wurden, und schämten sich, dass sie wegfuhren, fuhren aber trotzdem weg, weil sie wussten, dass es sein musste.“

[1] "Now the Moscowers were probably ashamed that they were called cowards and were ashamed that they drove away, but still drove away because they knew that it had to be"

[1] („Soll ich da mal rüberbalancieren?“) – „Tu doch, mach doch, Feigling!“ – (Mögliche Antwort:) „Lieber ein Feigling sein, als einem Doofen ein’n Gefallen tun.“

[1] ("Should I take over there") - "Do it, do it, cowardly" - (possible answer :) "Better to be a coward than a stupid a fell tuna"