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Is it der, die or das Feature?




The correct article in German of Feature is das or die. So it is das or die Feature! (nominative case)

The word Feature is neuter or feminine, therefore the correct article is das or die.

German declension of Feature?

How does the declension of Feature work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular 1 Singular 2 Plural
Nominative das Feature die Feature die Features
Genitive des Features der Feature der Features
Dative dem Feature der Feature den Features
Akkusative das Feature die Feature die Features

What is the meaning of Feature in German?

Feature has various definitions in German:

[1] radio: a non-fictional radio genre

[1] Hörfunk: ein nicht-fiktionales Hörfunk-Genre

[2] Technology: specialty, additional performance

[2] Technik: Spezialität, Zusatzleistung

Several meanings are still missing - comment: see WP and Duden

Mehrere Bedeutungen fehlen noch. — Kommentar: siehe WP und Duden

How to use Feature in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Feature with translations in English.

[1] „Ein Feature soll mehr sein als eine reine Funkdokumentation, bei der der Informationsgehalt wichtiger ist als die künstlerische Gestaltung.“

[1] "A feature should be more than a pure radio documentation in which the information content is more important than the artistic design" "

[2] „AeroFly 5 bietet dem Modellflieger viele nützliche Features, die helfen, das Modellfliegen zu verbessern.“

[2] "Aerofly 5 offers the model plane many useful features that help improve model flying"