Is it der, die or das Fausthieb?
The correct article in German of Fausthieb is der. So it is der Fausthieb! (nominative case)
The word Fausthieb is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Fausthieb?
How does the declension of Fausthieb work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Fausthieb | die Fausthiebe |
Genitive | des Fausthiebs des Fausthiebes | der Fausthiebe |
Dative | dem Fausthieb | den Fausthieben |
Akkusative | den Fausthieb | die Fausthiebe |
What is the meaning of Fausthieb in German?
Fausthieb is defined as:
[1] A blow with the fist
[1] ein Hieb mit der FaustHow to use Fausthieb in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Fausthieb with translations in English.
[1] „Meine Fausthiebe parierte er mit Leichtigkeit.“
[1] "He parried my fausal thieves with lightness"[1] „Obgleich der blaue Fleck von Mercis Fausthieb noch sehr sichtbar war, führte ich die Marchesa ganz allein in den Saal, wo sie alle Blicke auf sich zog.“
[1] "Although the Blue Spain from Merci's Fauste was still very visible, I led the Marchesa all alone to the hall, where she attracts everyone's attention"