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Is it der, die or das Fanatismus?



The correct article in German of Fanatismus is der. So it is der Fanatismus! (nominative case)

The word Fanatismus is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Fanatismus?

How does the declension of Fanatismus work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Fanatismus
Genitive des Fanatismus
Dative dem Fanatismus
Akkusative den Fanatismus

What is the meaning of Fanatismus in German?

Fanatismus is defined as:

[1] uncompromising, ruthless use for generally enforcing something that you consider correctly alone

[1] kompromissloser, rücksichtsloser Einsatz dafür, etwas, das man für allein richtig hält, allgemein durchzusetzen

How to use Fanatismus in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Fanatismus with translations in English.

[1] „Ihren Hauptgegner sah die osteuropäische Haskala im Chassidismus, der für die Maskilim den Inbegriff von Aberglauben, Irrationalität, Unbildung und religiösem Fanatismus darstellte.“

[1] "The Eastern European Hascala saw its main opponent in chassidism, which for Maskilim is the epitome of superstition, irrationality, un formation and religious fanaticism"

[1] „Ich kannte seinen Fanatismus in dieser Hinsicht und wollte nicht darauf beharren.“

[1] "I knew his fanaticism in this regard and didn't want to insist on it"

[1] „Merkwürdigerweise hatte ich den alten Derkum nie fanatisch gefunden, aber vielleicht hatte mein Vater Fanatismus und Konsequenz miteinander verwechselt.“

[1] Strangely enough, I had never found the old Derkum fanatic, but maybe my father had confused fanaticism and consistency with each other "

[1] „Ich bin mit Necla Kelek verabredet und möchte mit ihr über Fanatismus und Fundamentalismus reden.“

[1] "I am an appointment with Necla Kelek and would like to talk to her about fanaticism and fundamentalism"

Pictures or photos of Fanatismus

[1] politischer Fanatismus
[1] politischer Fanatismus