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Is it der, die or das Falte?



The correct article in German of Falte is die. So it is die Falte! (nominative case)

The word Falte is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Falte?

How does the declension of Falte work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Falte die Falten
Genitive der Falte der Falten
Dative der Falte den Falten
Akkusative die Falte die Falten

What is the meaning of Falte in German?

Falte is defined as:

[1] elongated bump in levels, smooth surfaces, especially for textile fabrics, paper, skin and the like

[1] längliche Unebenheit in ebenen, glatten Oberflächen insbesondere bei textilen Stoffen, Papier, Haut und Ähnlichem

How to use Falte in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Falte with translations in English.

[1] Er hat schon viele Falten im Gesicht.

[1] He already has many wrinkles in the face

[1] Ich muss die Bluse noch einmal bügeln, am Kragen sind noch lauter kleine Falten.

[1] I have to iron the blouse again, on the collar there are even little small folds

[1] „Sie trug nichts darunter, und ihre Brustwarzen stießen spitz durch den leichten Stoff und ließen ihn in zwei schmalen, abstehenden Falten bis zum Saum fallen.“

[1] "She wore nothing underneath, and her nipples pushed through the light fabric and let him fall in two narrow, protruding folds to the hem" "

Pictures or photos of Falte

[1] viele Falten in der Hand
[1] viele Falten in der Hand