Is it der, die or das Fabrikant?
The correct article in German of Fabrikant is der. So it is der Fabrikant! (nominative case)
The word Fabrikant is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Fabrikant?
How does the declension of Fabrikant work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Fabrikant | die Fabrikanten |
Genitive | des Fabrikanten | der Fabrikanten |
Dative | dem Fabrikanten | den Fabrikanten |
Akkusative | den Fabrikanten | die Fabrikanten |
What is the meaning of Fabrikant in German?
Fabrikant has various definitions in German:
[1] Someone who produces or produces something (factory or to a large extent)
[1] jemand, der etwas (fabrikmäßig oder in großem Maße) herstellt oder herstellen lässt[2] Owner, owner or operator of a factory
[2] Besitzer, Eigentümer oder Betreiber einer FabrikHow to use Fabrikant in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Fabrikant with translations in English.
[1, 2] Von manch altem Fabrikanten hat man keine vorurteilsfreie Vorstellung.
[1, 2] of some old manufacturers you have no prejudice -free presentation[1, 2] „Die Fabrikanten, mit denen er verhandelt hatte, kamen alle zum Diner.“
[1, 2] "The manufacturers with whom he had negotiated all came to the Dinerä"[1] „Er kaufte sich sogar eine Adler-Schreibmaschine und tippte einmal in der Woche seine Bestellungen an die Fabrikanten darauf, was seinen Praktikantinnen imponierte.“
[1] "He even bought an Adler writing machine and once typed his orders to the manufacturers on what impondered his interns"