Is it der, die or das Extremist?
The correct article in German of Extremist is der. So it is der Extremist! (nominative case)
The word Extremist is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Extremist?
How does the declension of Extremist work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Extremist | die Extremisten |
Genitive | des Extremisten | der Extremisten |
Dative | dem Extremisten | den Extremisten |
Akkusative | den Extremisten | die Extremisten |
What is the meaning of Extremist in German?
Extremist is defined as:
[1] Someone who in an extreme way tutae supporter of extremism
[1] jemand, der etwas auf extreme Art und Weise tut; Anhänger des ExtremismusHow to use Extremist in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Extremist with translations in English.
[1] SindExtremisten eine Bedrohung für die freie Welt?
[1] Sindex dremists a threat to the free world[1] „In Syrien sind seit dem Beginn der US-geführten Offensive gegen die Dschihadistengruppe vor einer Woche nach Angaben von Aktivisten bereits mehr als 200 Extremisten getötet worden.“
[1] "In Syria, more than 200 extremists have been killed a week since the start of the US-led offensive against the jihadist group a week ago", according to activists "[1] „Die Bürger zudem als Extremisten zu denunzieren war der Beginn des Zusammenschlusses der Istanbuler, egal welcher politischen Überzeugung.“
[1] "The citizens of also denouncing as extremists were the beginning of the merger of the Istanbuler, regardless of the political conviction"[1] „Doch nicht alle Kenianer folgen den Extremisten.“
[1] "But not all Kenyans follow the extremist people"