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Is it der, die or das Expansion?



The correct article in German of Expansion is die. So it is die Expansion! (nominative case)

The word Expansion is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Expansion?

How does the declension of Expansion work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Expansion die Expansionen
Genitive der Expansion der Expansionen
Dative der Expansion den Expansionen
Akkusative die Expansion die Expansionen

What is the meaning of Expansion in German?

Expansion has various definitions in German:

[1] The increase in spatial expansion

[1] die Zunahme der räumlichen Ausdehnung

[2] Extension of a computer game or a game world

[2] Erweiterung eines Computerspiels oder einer Spielwelt

[3] Linguistics: Operational procedure in syntax: replacement of a word group by a larger word group

[3] Linguistik:operationales Verfahren in der Syntax: Ersetzung einer Wortgruppe durch eine größere Wortgruppe

[4] Linguistics, especially generative grammar: replacement rule

[4] Linguistik, speziell generative Grammatik: Ersetzungsregel

How to use Expansion in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Expansion with translations in English.

[1] Die Islamische Expansion begann Mitte der 20er Jahre.

The Islamic expansion began in the mid -1920s

[1] „Die Expansion war kontinental, und die neuen Besitzungen wurden anfangs wie Kolonien behandelt.“

[1] "The expansion was continental, and the new possessions were initially treated like colonies"

[1] „Damit beginnt das Zeitalter der europäischen Expansion in Afrika.“

[1] "This begins the age of European expansion in Africa" ​​"

[2] Die Expansion zu Worldwars kann man kostenlos auf spielen.

[2] The expansion to Worldwars can be played free of charge at games.

[2] Auch beim Expansion- Pack muss man aufpassen und enorm schnell sein.

[2] You also have to be careful with the expansion pack and be extremely fast

[3] „Expansion. Substantivische Phraseolexeme aus Adjektiv + Substantiv (…) lassen eine adjektivisch-attributive Erweiterung zu…“

[3] "Expansionment of substantive phraseolexemes made of adjective noun (...) leave an adjective-Attributive extension ..."

[4] Die Expansion als ein Typ von Transformationen wird von Hundsnurscher vorgestellt.

[4] The expansion as a type of transformations is presented by Hunds -Nurscher