Is it der, die or das Exhibitionistin?
The correct article in German of Exhibitionistin is die. So it is die Exhibitionistin! (nominative case)
The word Exhibitionistin is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Exhibitionistin?
How does the declension of Exhibitionistin work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Exhibitionistin | die Exhibitionistinnen |
Genitive | der Exhibitionistin | der Exhibitionistinnen |
Dative | der Exhibitionistin | den Exhibitionistinnen |
Akkusative | die Exhibitionistin | die Exhibitionistinnen |
What is the meaning of Exhibitionistin in German?
Exhibitionistin is defined as:
[1] Female person who draws sexual pleasure from exposure to strangers
[1] weibliche Person, die sexuellen Lustgewinn daraus zieht, sich vor Fremden zu entblößenHow to use Exhibitionistin in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Exhibitionistin with translations in English.
[1] Im Stadtpark treibt eine Exhibitionistin ihr Unwesen.
[1] In the city park, an exhibitionist is silent about her misery[1] „Dass das keine Koketterie ist, dass diese Zürcher Künstlerin mit dem auffällig kurzen, schräg geschnittenen Pony keine Exhibitionistin ist und auch keine billige Pornokateurin, das wird im Gespräch schnell klar.“
[1] "That this is not a coquetry that this Zurich artist is not an exhibitionist with the strikingly short, diagonally cut pony and also not a cheap porn coater, it will quickly become clarified in conversation"