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Is it der, die or das Exekution?



The correct article in German of Exekution is die. So it is die Exekution! (nominative case)

The word Exekution is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Exekution?

How does the declension of Exekution work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Exekution die Exekutionen
Genitive der Exekution der Exekutionen
Dative der Exekution den Exekutionen
Akkusative die Exekution die Exekutionen

What is the meaning of Exekution in German?

Exekution has various definitions in German:

[1] enforcement of the death penalty

[1] Vollstreckung der Todesstrafe

[2] Outdated: enforcement of a punishment

[2] veraltet: Vollstreckung einer Strafe

[3] Educational language: implementation of a special thing

[3] bildungssprachlich: Durchführung einer besonderen Sache

[4] Austrian: attachment

[4] österreichisch: Pfändung

How to use Exekution in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Exekution with translations in English.

[1] Die Exekution fand am Donnerstag statt.

[1] Execution took place on Thursday

[1] „Gemeinsam beteten sie für meine Exekution.“

[1] "Together they prayed for my execution" "

[1] 993 Menschen sind im vergangenen Jahr hingerichtet worden, meldet Amnesty International. Die meisten Exekutionen gab es demnach im Iran, Saudi-Arabien und Irak.

[1] 993 people were executed last year, AMNESTY Internationale reports most of the executions in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

[1] „Exekutionen kamen darin nicht vor.“

[1] "Executions did not come in there"

[1] „Viele andere Widerstandskämpfer, die mit dem Fallschirm über dem Protektorat absprangen, endeten durch sofortige Exekution, durch Selbstmord oder im Konzentrationslager.“

[1] "Many other resistance fighters who sprang up with the parachute above the protectorate ended through immediate execution, suicide or in the concentration camp"

[2] „An der Stelle, wo die Exekutionen vollzogen wurden, gewahrte er eine Menschenansammlung, liess halten und stieg aus.“

[2] "At the point where the executions were carried out, he maintained a collection of people, let them hold and climbed out"



[4] „Der Bund hat dem Beschwerdeführer Aufwendungen in der Höhe von S 15.000,-- binnen zwei Wochen bei sonstiger Exekution zu ersetzen.“

[4] "The federal government has to replace the complainant expenses in the amount of S 15,000 within two weeks with other execution."

Pictures or photos of Exekution

[1] Eine Exekution
[1] Eine Exekution