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Is it der, die or das Event?




The correct article in German of Event is der or das. So it is der or das Event! (nominative case)

The word Event is masculine or neuter, therefore the correct article is der or das.

German declension of Event?

How does the declension of Event work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular 1 Singular 2 Plural
Nominative das Event der Event die Events
Genitive des Events des Events der Events
Dative dem Event dem Event den Events
Akkusative das Event den Event die Events

What is the meaning of Event in German?

Event is defined as:

[1] An event

[1] eine Veranstaltung

How to use Event in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Event with translations in English.

[1] Ahrensburg hat für den Herbst mehrere Events auf dem Marktplatz geplant.

[1] Ahrensburg has planned several events on the marketplace for autumn

[1] Dieser Abend mit der Filmvorführung von Rocky war schon ein Event, das man nicht so schnell vergisst.

[1] This evening with the Rocky film screening was already an event that you don't forget so quickly

[1] Und für Freitag haben wir ein Kundenevent vorgesehen.

[1] And for Friday we have provided a customer event

[1] Natürlich freuen wir uns auf dieses gigantische Event im Olympiastadion.

Of course we look forward to this gigantic event in the Olympic Stadium

[1] „Die Energie des Events war spürbar und ansteckend; es war aufregend, dabei zu sein.“

[1] "The energy of the event was noticeable and the container it was exciting to be at the process"

Pictures or photos of Event

[1] Fahrradsternfahrt, ein Event in Hamburg
[1] Fahrradsternfahrt, ein Event in Hamburg