Is it der, die or das Etappe?
The correct article in German of Etappe is die. So it is die Etappe! (nominative case)
The word Etappe is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Etappe?
How does the declension of Etappe work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Etappe | die Etappen |
Genitive | der Etappe | der Etappen |
Dative | der Etappe | den Etappen |
Akkusative | die Etappe | die Etappen |
What is the meaning of Etappe in German?
Etappe has various definitions in German:
[1] Section, stage, partial route
[1] Abschnitt, Stadium, Teilstrecke[2] Military: supply area behind the front
[2] Militär: Nachschubgebiet hinter der FrontHow to use Etappe in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Etappe with translations in English.
[1] „Eigentlich war Reinhold Messner allein zur finalen Etappe in die Todeszone aufgebrochen, ohne Seil, ohne Zelt, ohne Proviant; er wollte zum Gipfel und so schnell wie möglich wieder zurück.“
[1] "Actually, Reinhold Messner had broken up into the death zone for the final stage alone, without rope, without a tent, without provisions he wanted to go back to the summit and as quickly as possible"[1] Auf der letzten Etappe des Rennens musste der Anfänger aufgeben.
[1] The beginner had to give up on the last stage of the race[1] „Am anderen Tag beginnt unsere Bustour, die uns in mehreren Etappen in den Süden Islands und wieder zurück führen wird.“
[1] "On the other day, our bus tour begins, which will lead us in several stages to the south of Iceland and back again"[2] „Schlump dachte an das, was er seiner Mutter versprochen hatte, und nahm sich vor, sobald als möglich in die Etappe zu verschwinden.“
[2] "Schlump thought of what he had promised to his mother and decided to disappear as soon as possible into the stage"