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Is it der, die or das Etage?



The correct article in German of Etage is die. So it is die Etage! (nominative case)

The word Etage is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Etage?

How does the declension of Etage work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Etage die Etagen
Genitive der Etage der Etagen
Dative der Etage den Etagen
Akkusative die Etage die Etagen

What is the meaning of Etage in German?

Etage has various definitions in German:

[1] Earth floor or floor of a building system "first floor" usually refers to the 1,000 floor and sometimes the ground floor

[1] Erdgeschoss oder Stockwerk eines Bauwerks; „erste Etage“ bezeichnet meistens den 1. Stock und manchmal das Erdgeschoss

[2] Translated: level, level, rank

[2] übertragen: Ebene, Stufe, Rang

How to use Etage in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Etage with translations in English.

[1] Der Fahrstuhl hielt in der dritten Etage.

[1] The elevator held in the third floor

[1] Die Neuberts sind in ein Haus mit 17 Etagen gezogen.

[1] The Neuberts are drawn into a house with 17 floors

[1] „Der Mann im Lift läßt mich den Lift bis zu unserer Etage steuern und legt nur manchmal dabei leicht Hand an mich.“

[1] "The man in the elevator lets me control the lift to our floor and only sometimes puts a slightly hand on me on me" "

[1] „Ich ging hoch in die obere Etage und klopfte an die Tür.“

[1] "I went up into the upper floor and knocked on the door" "

[1] „Sie fuhren mit dem Aufzug eine Etage tiefer und betraten den QC-Raum.“

[1] "They drove a floor with the elevator and entered the QC-Aimmerä"

[1] „Beide stiegen nickend aus, obwohl sie eigentlich vom Sicherheitspersonal eine halbe Etage tiefer erwartet wurden.“

[1] "Both got out nodding, even though they were actually expected half a floor by the security personnel"

[2] Die Hochzeitstorte meiner Schwester hatte vier Etagen.

[2] My sister's wedding cake had four floor

[2] Im Schaufenster müssen die Auslagen in Etagen angeordnet werden.

[2] In the shop window, the expenses must be arranged on floors