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Is it der, die or das Etablissement?



The correct article in German of Etablissement is das. So it is das Etablissement! (nominative case)

The word Etablissement is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Etablissement?

How does the declension of Etablissement work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Etablissement die Etablissements
Genitive des Etablissements der Etablissements
Dative dem Etablissement den Etablissements
Akkusative das Etablissement die Etablissements

What is the meaning of Etablissement in German?

Etablissement is defined as:

[1] Educational language: operation or location, including those with dubious reputation

[1] bildungssprachlich: Betrieb oder Lokalität, auch solche mit zweifelhaftem Ruf

How to use Etablissement in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Etablissement with translations in English.

[1] In diesem Etablissement muss man auf sein Geld gut aufpassen.

[1] In this establishment you have to take good care of your money

[1] „Die beiden Chinesen, die das Etablissement betrieben, standen händeringend inmitten der Trümmer und riefen sich mit ihren hellen Stimmen gegenseitig all die Dinge zu, die sie abzuschreiben hatten.“

[1] "The two Chinese who operated the establishment were desperately in the middle of the rubble and called each other with their bright voices all the things they had to write down"

[1] „Es stellte sich heraus, der eine von den beiden war der Entertainer des Etablissements und der andere sein bester Freund.“

[1] "It turned out that one of the two was the entertainer of the establishment and the other his best friend"

[1] „Kein einziges Reklameschild war zu sehen, noch nicht mal das kleinste Markenetikett; dieses Etablissement hatte Marktschreierei nicht nötig.“

[1] "Not a single advertisement was to be seen, not even the smallest brand label diet of this establishment did not necessarily have market cripplings"

[1] „Zwei Stunden später saß ich in einem dunklen, nach Frittenfett, Schweiß und Marlboro stinkenden kneipenartigen Etablissement im Erdgeschoss eines dieser Giganten.“

[1] "Two hours later I was sitting in a dark, sweat and marlboro stinking pub -like establishments on the ground floor of one of these giant" "