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Is it der, die or das Ermittlung?



The correct article in German of Ermittlung is die. So it is die Ermittlung! (nominative case)

The word Ermittlung is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Ermittlung?

How does the declension of Ermittlung work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Ermittlung die Ermittlungen
Genitive der Ermittlung der Ermittlungen
Dative der Ermittlung den Ermittlungen
Akkusative die Ermittlung die Ermittlungen

What is the meaning of Ermittlung in German?

Ermittlung has various definitions in German:

[1] Activity to determine still unknown

[1] Aktivität, um noch Unbekanntes festzustellen

[2] Activity of an official institution (police, customs, ...) to clarify a dubious fact

[2] Aktivität einer amtlichen Institution (Polizei, Zoll,…), um einen zweifelhaften Sachverhalt aufzuklären

How to use Ermittlung in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Ermittlung with translations in English.

[1] Der Mathematiklehrer stellte eine Textaufgabe. Für die Ermittlung des Ergebnisses durften die Schüler ihren Taschenrechner benutzen.

[1] The math teacher provided a text task for determining the result, the students were allowed to use their calculator.

[1] Weil die Ermittlung des Einkommens falsch war, habe ich gegen meinen Steuerbescheid Einspruch eingelegt.

[1] Because the investigation of the income was wrong, I filed an objection to my tax assessment notice

[1] Die Ermittlung des Wettkampfsiegers war schwieriger als erwartet.

[1] The determination of the competition winner was more difficult than expected

[2] „Die Ermittlungen wurden eingestellt.“

[2] "The investigation was set"

[2] „Die Ermittlungen ergaben, dass der Unfallverursacherin bereits im Februar 2016 der Führerschein entzogen worden war.“

[2] "The investigation showed that the person causing the accident had already been withdrawn in February 2016 the driver's license"